- commit an indiscretion
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Новый англо-русский словарь. 2013.
Новый англо-русский словарь. 2013.
indiscretion — n. 1) to commit an indiscretion 2) a youthful indiscretion * * * [ˌɪndɪ skreʃ(ə)n] a youthful indiscretion to commit an indiscretion … Combinatory dictionary
indiscretion — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ serious ▪ minor, slight ▪ personal ▪ youthful ▪ dietary, sexual … Collocations dictionary
commit — verb Commit is used with these nouns as the object: ↑abuse, ↑act, ↑adultery, ↑assault, ↑atrocity, ↑blasphemy, ↑blunder, ↑breach, ↑burglary, ↑crime, ↑deed, ↑error … Collocations dictionary
speak out of turn — {v. phr.} To say something tactless; commit an indiscretion. * /You spoke out of turn in criticizing Aunt Hermione s old furniture; she considers herself quite a connoisseur on the subject./ … Dictionary of American idioms
speak out of turn — {v. phr.} To say something tactless; commit an indiscretion. * /You spoke out of turn in criticizing Aunt Hermione s old furniture; she considers herself quite a connoisseur on the subject./ … Dictionary of American idioms
History of American newspapers — The history of American newspapers goes back to the 17th century with the publication of the first colonial newspapers.Colonial period(This section is based on [http://www.bartleby.com/225/index.html#7 The Cambridge History of English and… … Wikipedia
speak\ out\ of\ turn — v. phr. To say something tactless; commit an indiscretion. You spoke out of turn in criticizing Aunt Hermione s old furniture; she considers herself quite a connoisseur on the subject … Словарь американских идиом
forget one's self — Lose self control, commit an indiscretion … New dictionary of synonyms
sin — 1. noun 1) a sin in the eyes of God Syn: immoral act, wrong, wrongdoing, act of evil/wickedness, transgression, crime, offense, misdeed, misdemeanor; archaic trespass 2) the human capacity for sin Syn: wickedness … Thesaurus of popular words
Political scandals of the United States — This article provides a list of major political scandals of the United States.cope and organization of political scandalsCategorizing and listing scandalsDivision of this article s list of American political scandals falls into four categories… … Wikipedia
commettre — [ kɔmɛtr ] v. tr. <conjug. : 56> • fin XIIIe; lat. committere « mettre ensemble » 1 ♦ Accomplir, faire (une action blâmable). Commettre une maladresse, une imprudence, une faute, une erreur, une injustice à l égard de qqn. Commettre un… … Encyclopédie Universelle